Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year....

I really don't like resolutions, but recently I came up with goals I want to accomplish in 2009, and somehow I don't think I can avoid calling them anything but RESOLUTIONS.

There are only TWO things I want to do this year.
1) Lose 20 lbs.
2) Grow my jewelry business

The first one will require discipline, etc. etc. I know what I need to do to achieve it. It's the doing it that is going to be the hard part.

The second one was stated in four words but requires a LOT of things on my to do list. I want to have a website created, I want to learn how to better market my jewelry, I want to do at least 3 shows this year, I want to hire a sales rep and get my pieces in at least 3 boutiques, and last - and this is something I JUST thought of while I was typing this, I want to have a piece featured in a magazine.

I don't think that's asking too much :)

I'll try to start blogging here more and featuring more pieces as I make them, and I'd like to learn how to take better pictures. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Hope you all had a great New Years, and that 2009 is prosperous for you and yours!

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